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This website is made available by an agency of the Irish Government. The system is provided for public information purposes to provide information and resources to help reduce household food waste.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, it is not possible to guarantee that it is accurate in all cases. Information compiled by third parties is not necessarily correct and is provided as-is. The fact that it is included in this site does not mean that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accepts or agrees with it. Electronic data may also be modified or corrupted. Accordingly, whenever accuracy is important, it is recommended that you obtain a copy of the original documentation on which the information is based and verify its accuracy.
Neither the Irish Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy of content; validity of systems; effectiveness of tools or technologies disclosed. The views and opinions of originators expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Irish Government or any agency thereof. When you follow a link to another site, you are subject to the policies of the outside website.
Many of the photographs on this site have been sourced and downloaded free of charge from unsplash.com. The variety, quality and use of these images is important to the aesthetic of this website. Many thanks to contributing photographers.
Copyright Notice
© 2022 | Stop Food Waste
Reproduction is not authorised, except with the expressed permission of Stop Food Waste.